The Elite Performance Travel Work-Out

By Admin Elite Performance | In Fitness | on October 17, 2018

travel workout, elite performance

No gym, No weights, No Excuses!

In between business meetings, work or personal travel, it can be hard to source out the right gym. But don’t worry, we got you! Use this 30 minute full-body, no-excuse work-out anytime, anywhere, to fit your training in.

Repeat the following 7 exercise circuit 4 times with 1 minute rest in between each set.


       1. Reverse lunge-  12 reps

Start by standing straight and engaging your core muscles. Then take a giant step backwards with your left foot. Bend your right knee until it’s at 90°, and lower your left knee until it is also bent at a right angle. Then push back up and return to the starting position. Make sure you keep your torso upright throughout the movement.


       2. Chair Dips- 12 reps

Grab a chair or use another sturdy level surface, sit on the edge with your arms by your sides, palms on the edge of the seat, fingers over the edge. Shift your body weight forward and lower down off the chair. Continue for  12 reps.


      3. Bent over Band rows -12 reps

This one you will need resistance bands, these are easy and light to pack and basically the only ‘equipment’ you’ll need for this routine.  Start by stepping onto a resistance band with your feet at shoulder-width, toes pointed slightly out. Bend slightly at the knees and forward at the hips.  Engage your core and maintain a flat back throughout the movement. Leading with your elbows, pull the handles of the resistance band back, bringing your shoulder blades closer together. Hold this contraction and slowly release to the starting position.


    4. Chair Step-ups – 12 reps ea

Find a bench or a sturdy chair that when you place your foot squarely on it, your knee is on a 90-degree angle or larger. Step up, leading with the right foot, then the left, bringing both feet completely onto the chair. Continue for 12 reps.


      5. Shoulder taps – 6 ea

Get into a push-up position with your arms fully extended, your body in a straight line, and up on your toes. This will be your starting position. Quickly bring one hand up to tap the opposite-side shoulder, placing that hand back on the floor before repeating to the opposite side. Concurrently your body will slightly shift from one side to the other to better maintain balance. Move back and forth for 6 reps.


      6. RDL single leg – 8 ea

Otherwise known as a Romanian Deadlift. Stand balancing on your right leg and hold your left hand in front of your thigh. Sit your hips back as if you were being pulled by a rope attached to your waist, and allow your right knee to bend slightly. Your left leg should be straight (it’s OK if there’s a slight bend in the knee) and in line with your body throughout the rep. Keeping your back flat, continue to bend at the waist until your hand is at about mid-shin height (this ultimately depends on your hamstring flexibility.) Drive through your heel and push your hips forward to stand up to the starting position.


      7. Front plank pivot  – 15 reps

Get into front plank position, make sure your core and glutes are engaged and hold for 30 seconds, then pivot into a side plank and hold again for 30 seconds.  Repeat 15 times


 Rest 1:00 repeat 4x

Don’t let your busy schedule derail your fitness regime and get you off track.  

Utilize the time and space you have by implementing this routine next time

you ’re on the road. Tag us on social and let us know how you keep fitness part of your routine when travelling.

Designed and Developed by: Callum Creative


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