Fitness Goal Setting for Success

By Admin Elite Performance | In Fitness | on January 16, 2017


Don’t become another New Year resolution statistic! It’s no secret that just about everybody is looking to get into better shape in the New Year. The truth is most don’t succeed in meeting their goals. But that doesn’t have to be you! Create a solid game plan by utilizing these guidelines when it comes building your New Year’s fitness resolutions.


Establish Clear and Achievable Goals


Take the time to clearly outline your goals  and write them down. “ To lose weight”  won’t cut it,  if your goal is fat loss decide just how many pounds or inches you’d like to lose and set a timeline that is achievable. For example “In the next month I’d like to lose 5 pounds of body fat,  or an inch off my waistline.”


Build a Plan, Build New Habits


Once you’ve set your goals decide what steps you need to take in order to achieve them. Set clear guidelines for yourself and get prepared.  Plan your workouts into your week as you would any other appointment, and have your meals prepped.


Small habits add up. But you don’t need to change them all at once, your progress isn’t defined by leaps and bounds but more likely by taking small, yet impactful steps. Bigger goals can be broken down, if you’ve got an unhealthy diet before eliminating all of your favourite foods begin with something simple such as eliminating soda or deep fried foods, then continuously build onto your good habits. It’s more important to find strategies that will work for you and your lifestyle even if they aren’t as drastic as you’d like.  This keep your enthusiasm high, instead of risking frustration


Commit to Your Goals


You must be intrinsically motivated. No matter how much outside help you recruit you will not succeed unless you’re fired up from within. Find ways to stay motivated and surround yourself with positive people who want to see you win.


Track Your Results


Studies have proven over and over that those who track their progress see the most results. This doesn’t mean obsessively weighing yourself but rather setting a time each week or month where you take measurements, weigh in or compare before and after photos. Many can also benefit from a food and/or an exercise log.


Push Through


Making changes in your life isn’t easy and it requires work. Know that you are building new habits but in the process you will have to break old ones which can be difficult, but it does get easier! Continually try to find ways to stay inspired- find a workout buddy, join a support group, learn interesting new recipes or find hobbies that support your journey towards a healthier life.

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