What’s in your protein powder?

By Admin Elite Performance | In Fitness | on March 29, 2016

A good quality protein powder is something everyone with an active lifestyle should have on hand. Whey protein is most commonly used in protein powders and for good reason, it’s by far the most studied work-out supplement in the world and has been proven to contain all of the necessary essential amino acids which are quickly absorbed by the body.


Adding a protein powder to your diet is a simple way to add 25-50 grams of protein on top of your daily intake, this is especially important for people who live an active lifestyle, or for those who are looking to put on muscle mass. You can incorporate protein powder into your diet by simply mixing it with water or by adding it to a smoothie. Keep in mind that a protein shake shouldn’t be replacing real food in your diet, but instead used as a tool to help you reach your daily requirements.


The market is saturated with various brands of protein powders but unfortunately the vast majority is of poor quality, often times packed with fillers and artificial ingredients. Lets take a look at 2 of the most popular brands of mainstream protein powder in comparison to a higher quality pharmaceutical grade whey protein.


Nutrient wise they are all fairly similar in terms of grams of protein and calories per scoop. Where the biggest difference lies is in the ingredients used, the cheaper options have FAR more ingredients, most of them unrecognizable. You’ll also notice that ATP New Zealand uses whey sourced from grass fed cows, meaning a much more nutrient and anti-oxidant rich product.


So when it comes to purchasing your next protein powder remember less is more when it comes to the ingredient list, and though initially you may pay more for your product in the long run you more than make up for it in good health.


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